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Adult Bee Toxicity
0.06 Oral LD50 in µg/bee
Larval Bee Toxicity
0.1 Oral LD50 in µg/bee
Chemical Group
Adult Bee Toxicity
Adult Bee Toxicity Group
Larval Bee Toxicity
Persistence Half-Life (days)
Persistence Rating
Relative Index of Systemic Activity
Registered Uses (USA)

A variety of agricultural uses (<100 crops) including vegetables, tree fruits, grapes, other fruits, tree nuts, beans, potatoes, corn, soybeans, other oilseeds, wheat, other cereal grains, and cotton. Other uses include nursery uses.

Use Categories
Seed Treatment Use
Further Information

Xylem-mobile. According to Cranshaw (n.d.), dimethoate moves readily into the sap stream after foliar application, and has soil systemic activity. Longer persistence has been reported by Lewis and Tzilvakis (2017) for dimethoate residues in or on plants (half-life 29 days) than indicated in the persistence half-life field, which reports terrestial field dissipation.

Toxicity Reference(s)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2015. Registration Review - Preliminary Ecological Risk Assessment for Dimethoate. 144 pp. Also, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2021. ECOTOX User Guide: ECOTOXicology Knowledgebase System. Version 5.3. Available: http:/

Systemic Reference(s)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2015. Registration Review - Preliminary Ecological Risk Assessment for Dimethoate. 144 pp. Also, Cranshaw, W. n.d. “Management Recommendations for Insect Pests of Trees and Shrubs.” XCM-38. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. 78 pp.

Persistence Reference(s)

Lewis, K.A., J. Tzilivakis, D. Warner, and A. Green. 2016. An international database for pesticide risk assessments and management. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 22(4):1050-1064. . Also, Lewis, K. and J. Tzilivakis. 2017. Development of a Data Set of Pesticide Dissipation Rates in/on Various Plant Matrices for the Pesticide Properties Database (PPDB). Data 2(3):28.