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Essays on Invertebrate Conservation

Insect conservation is not something that happens only in distant wildernesses or dedicated nature reserves. These animals populate our backyards and our local parks, roadsides, and creeks. In a time of growing environmental threats, what we do in our home towns and neighborhoods is increasingly important.

Nature Close to Home, by Scott Hoffman Black. Page 3.

Bee City USA: Galvanizing Communities to Reverse Pollinator Decline, by Phyllis Stiles. Across the United States, people are banding together to make their communities healthier for bees. Page 5.

Managing Invertebrate-Friendly Gardens, by Jenni Denekas. Xerces donors do more than just support our work; they also diligently care for their properties to benefit insects and other invertebrates. Page 10.

Minimizing Risk in the Prevention of Mosquito-Borne Disease, by Aimée Code. Spring is here. The mosquito populations that arrive with the changing season can be managed without having to reach for pesticide sprays. Page 17.

Conservation Spotlight. Good Neighbor Iowa works to reduce unnecessary urban pesticide use. Page 23.

Invertebrate Notes. A selection of recent books. Page 24.

Staff Profile. Meet Kelly Gill, pollinator conservation specialist in the mid-Atlantic. Page 26.

Xerces News. Updates on Xerces Society projects and successes. Page 27.

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