The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) worked with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation to develop this report, which synthesizes the scientific literature and existing best management practices for monarch butterflies along with input from a survey of monarch experts and a survey of EPRI members. Monarch experts were surveyed to identify the relative benefit of specific conservation actions for monarchs as well as to provide opinions on the opportunities for power companies to engage in monarch conservation. The Company Survey attempted to capture details from power companies regarding land management responsibilities, potential and current implementation of monarch conservation actions, and to identify barriers to adopting monarch-friendly management.
The report describes the conservation actions for monarch habitat protection, management, enhancement, and restoration that are compatible with the land use and management of electric power company properties. Specific land management practices covered include herbicide use, controlling invasive species, brush and tree management, mowing, prescribed fire, grazing, and restoration and revegetation. This report shows that it is important to consider the specific land asset type in relation to supporting monarchs, including transmission lines, distribution lines, power plant sites, surplus properties, solar sites, wind sites, and substations. Conservation actions are mapped to the various land asset types to understand where the greatest monarch conservation potential exists. We also explore opportunities for power companies in monarch conservation education, training, and outreach.