Forests and woodlands are valued worldwide for their environmental benefits and economic products. In this issue we explore three very different forest environments and the insects they support: old-growth coniferous forests in the Pacific Northwest, eastern broadleaf forests in New Jersey, and ancient woodlands in England.
Forests, Fires, and Insects, by Scott Black. Page 3.
In Search of the Elusive Johnson’s Hairstreak, by Candace Fallon. We think of butterflies as creatures of open sunny habitats, but old-growth forests of the Pacific Northwest are home to a butterfly with unusual habitat needs. Page 5.
Bees of the Eastern Forests, by Rachael Winfree. The northeastern United States was once blanketed by broadleaf forest. Despite the changes to the landscape wrought by agriculture and development, many of the original species of forest bees persist. Page 11.
England’s Ancient Woodlands: Living Time Capsules, by Matthew Shepherd. Britain is home to some remarkable woodlands that have been heavily managed for centuries and yet are now recognized as vital for the wildlife they support. Page 16.
Conservation Spotlight. The USDA National Agroforestry Center has partnered with Xerces since 2007. Page 23.
Invertebrate Notes. News from the world of invertebrate conservation. Page 24.
Staff Profile. Meet Mary Ann Lau, accounting and human resources specialist. Page 26.
Xerces News. Updates on Xerces Society projects and achievements. Page 27.