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Publications Library

As a science-based organization, the Xerces Society produces dozens of publications annually, all of which employ the best available research to guide effective conservation efforts. Our publications range from guidelines for land managers, to brochures offering overviews of key concepts related to invertebrate conservation, from books about supporting pollinators in farmland, to region-specific plant lists. We hope that whatever you are seeking—whether it's guidance on making a home or community garden pollinator-friendly, advice on developing a local pesticide reduction strategy, or detailed information on restoring habitat—you will find it here!


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Version 1, June 2024
This document is intended to serve as a resource for biologists and other professionals tasked with conducting surveys or research studies and to ensure that future survey efforts will improve the ability to compare data across the many watersheds and multiple U.S. states and Canadian provinces in which these species of freshwater mussels occur.
A Field Guide
The images in this guide are representative of 56 common and readily visible groups of macroinvertebrates encountered in wadeable streams of the Pacific Northwest.
2nd edition
This guide was a project of the Pacific Northwest Native Freshwater Mussel Workgroup, a consortium of individuals from state and federal agencies, private businesses and nonprofits that aims to conserve freshwater mussels by ensuring that research, management, and educational activities are coordinated, prioritized, and consistent with identified information needs.
A Field Guide to Accompany the Macroinvertebrate Scoring Portion of the Oregon Streamflow Duration Assessment Method
This method assesses a suite of indicators to determine whether a stream is ephemeral, intermittent or perennial.
The Migratory Dragonfly Partnership (MDP) produced this printable online adult dragonfly identification guide to assist project participants in identifying common species.