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DeWind Award Frequently Asked Questions

What is the annual timeline for the DeWind award?

The proposal period is open for approximately two months each year, from the beginning of November to the end of December. Proposals are usually due by December 31. The DeWind committee will then assess each proposal and assign scores, which are used to arrive at a final decision. Decisions are made no later than March 31, with awards usually paid out by the end of May. All applicants will be notified of the results by email. For this year's timeline, please see the main DeWind page.


How many awards are granted each year?

We typically award two grants each year. Award amounts are determined annually, but are a maximum of $10,000 each.


Who is eligible for the award?

The DeWind Awards are given to students who are engaged in research leading to a university degree related to Lepidoptera conservation and who intend to continue to work in this field.


What types of projects are eligible for the DeWind award?

Proposed research should have a clear connection to Lepidoptera conservation. In addition, proposed projects (or the portion of the project that would use DeWind funding) must be completed within one year of receiving funds.


I am an undergraduate student. Am I eligible for this award?

Yes. Applicants may be graduate or undergraduate students; however, please note that all but one awardee, to date, have been pursuing graduate research.


I am an international student based outside of the US. Can I apply for this award?

Yes. Applications from countries outside the United States will be considered but must be written in English. International applicant work cannot involve work in the United States, unless you are studying at a U.S. university.


I am an international student studying at a U.S. university. Can I use the funds for work in the US?

Yes, since you are based in the U.S. as a student, work can involve the U.S.


Can the DeWind award be used to pay for stipends of interns helping with my research efforts, or overhead or administrative fees?

Awards are paid as a qualified scholarship, which may be used for qualified or non-qualified education expenses as defined by the IRS. This allows recipients to avoid taxation on the grant if used for qualified education expenses. Recipients may use the award for other purposes that support them in completing their education or research. Note that awards are made payable only to the recipient of the scholarship, and cannot be paid to an institution or other third party.


Can I include figures or graphics in my proposal? Is there a limit to the number of types of figures and graphics?

Yes, you may include graphs or other figures in the proposal body. There is no limit to how many you may include, but note that the entire proposal body (including graphs and figures) should be no longer than 2 pages, and you will want to be sure to include all the other pertinent information mentioned in the application instructions.


My proposal was not selected this year. Can I get feedback on how to improve or strengthen it for next year?

Given the number of applications received each year, the DeWind committee does not usually provide feedback on individual proposals.


I was just notified by email that I will be receiving a DeWind award! What can I expect next?

Congratulations! You will be sent an official award letter and some paperwork to sign and send back to Xerces, including a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and a W-9 form (if applicable). Awards of $10,000 will be paid in two installments: 1) a minimum of $9,000 a few weeks after we have received the MOA signed by the recipient, and the remainder of the award ($1,000) upon receipt by Xerces of a final report or status update on your project (which is due no later than June 30, approximately one year after release of funds). Failure to meet the report deadline will result in forfeiture of the final $1,000.


I am a DeWind Award recipient and have published the results of my work in a scientific journal. Is Xerces interested in seeing the paper?

Absolutely! Please send your manuscript and/or a link to it to [email protected]. We will add it to our list of DeWind Publications.