Help us save the stems for native bees—share this brochure with friends, family, and neighbors. This 1/3-page brochure explains the nesting cycle for solitary stem-nesting bees and how to protect them (and their nests) year-round (view a screen-friendly version here).
Designed to be printed on a standard home or office printer on letter-sized (8.5"x11") paper, there are three copies of the brochure per sheet—ideal for distributing at events, information kiosks, or as handouts. If you take the file to a copy shop or other commercial printing facility, you should be asked to provide evidence that you have permission to print it. Any professional printer will be conscious of copyright. Please show them this statement:
The Xerces Society gives permission for this Save the Stems brochure to be printed. It is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) license.
To learn more about creating and protecting natural native bee nesting habitat, see the Xerces Society publication, Nesting & Overwintering Habitat for Pollinators & Other Beneficial Insects.