This regional plant list highlights native plants that are highly attractive as food sources for adult pollinators; support caterpillars of butterflies and moths; serve as nesting material or sites for certain bees; provide pollen for bees with specialized pollen needs; and feed beneficial predators and parasitoids that contribute to pest control. For those looking for just a few key plants, our staff have flagged their favorites.
Native plants, which are adapted to local soils and climates, are usually the best sources of food and shelter for native pollinators. Incorporating native wildflowers, shrubs, trees, vines, grasses, and more into any landscape helps a diversity of wildlife, and also provides benefits to soil, water, and air quality. Additionally, most native plants can flourish in poor soils and require minimal irrigation. This plant list can help you select species that are a good fit for your space. To determine if a species is native in your area, visit plants.usda.gov.
This list was developed by Sarah Nizzi, Stephanie Frischie, Jennifer Hopwood, and Sarah Foltz Jordan; design by Sara Morris; and editing by Jillian Vento-Feldman.