The objective of this conservation strategy is to identify geographic areas within the state of Washington with the highest potential to support rare and declining bumble bee species and provide guidance and recommendations for management of those areas. Maintaining sufficient populations of each focal species is essential to the long-term persistence of these animals. This will require protecting and enhancing habitat for foraging, nesting, and overwintering, while ensuring connectivity between habitat areas, across jurisdictions. While this conservation strategy focuses primarily on lands managed by federal and state agencies, conservation actions taken on privately owned property will increase the likelihood of species persistence, and may reduce the need for additional regulatory protections.
This conservation strategy focuses on the following focal species and their conservation in the state of Washington: B. frigidus (frigid bumble bee), B. kirbiellus (golden-belted bumble bee), B. morrisoni (Morrison bumble bee), B. occidentalis (western bumble bee), B. suckleyi (Suckley cuckoo bumble bee), B. vagans (half-black bumble bee), B. fervidus (yellow bumble bee), and B. pensylvanicus (American bumble bee).
Visit the accompanying online application for an interactive approach to understanding and exploring bumble bee conservation across the state. The application includes a fully interactive and customizable map, a collections of management recommendations, and a StoryMap tour of the conservation strategy.