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Adult Bee Toxicity
0.25 Oral LD50 in µg/bee
Larval Bee Toxicity
0.066 Oral LD50 in µg/bee
Chemical Group
Adult Bee Toxicity
Adult Bee Toxicity Group
Larval Bee Toxicity
Persistence Half-Life (days)
Persistence Rating
Relative Index of Systemic Activity
Registered Uses (USA)
A wide variety of agricultural uses (>100 different crops) including vegetables, tree fruits, grapes, other fruits, tree nuts, beans, other cereal grains, corn, soybeans, other oilseeds, wheat, cotton, peanuts, sugar beets, and other crops. Landcape uses include turf, trees, landscape plantings. Other uses include nursery uses and non-crop uses, including mosquito control.
Use Categories
Seed Treatment Use
Seed Treatment Crops

beans, corn, cotton, cucumber, peas, pumpkin, sorghum grain, triticale, wheat

Further Information

Studies by Ge et al. (2016) and Hwang et al (2018) show modest translocation from both soil and foliar application. U.S. EPA recently proposed to eliminate all food uses but this is not yet fully implemented so food crops where chlorpyrifos is currently registered are included here.

Toxicity Reference(s)

Lewis, K.A., J. Tzilivakis, D. Warner, and A. Green. 2016. An international database for pesticide risk assessments and management. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 22(4):1050-1064. Also, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2021. ECOTOX User Guide: ECOTOXicology Knowledgebase System. Version 5.3. Available: http:/

Systemic Reference(s)

Ge, J., M. Lu, D. Wang, Z. Zhang, X. Liu, and X. Yu. 2016. Dissipation and Distribution of Chlorpyrifos in Selected Vegetables through Foliage and Root Uptake. Chemosphere 144:201–206. Also, Hwang, K., S. Yoo, S. Lee, and J. Moon. 2018. Residual Level of Chlorpyrifos in Lettuces Grown on Chlorpyrifos-Treated Soils. NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series E: Applied Sciences 8(12):2343.

Persistence Reference(s)

Lewis, K.A., J. Tzilivakis, D. Warner, and A. Green. 2016. An international database for pesticide risk assessments and management. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 22(4):1050-1064.