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Pollinator Protection Policies

Pollinator Protection Policies

Communities across the country are joining together to protect pollinators. They have taken a range of actions, from neighborhood pacts to plant habitat and avoid pesticides, to policies that prohibit synthetic pesticide use throughout the community. The Xerces Society is excited to help your community protect pollinators. We have developed a model policy that addresses pollinator habitat and pesticide use that you can adapt to fit the needs of your community. We encourage you to reach out to us if you have questions or need help developing an approach for your community.


Local Policy

There’s a lot that can be accomplished to spur common-sense pesticide policies at the local level, which is why we’ve provided a model local policy that you can use to introduce pollinator-friendly policy in your community.

This map shows local policies that have been adopted to protect pollinators and reduce or ban pesticide use. Do you want your community on the map? Email us the details of your local policy or view our draft policy to begin making change with your local government.

State & Tribal Protection Plans

State and Tribal pollinator protection plans are increasingly looked to as a road map for protecting pollinators. Learn more about the overarching issues to consider in developing your own plan.