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Anthricinan Yellow-Faced Bee (Hylaeus anthracinus)

Yellow-faced bees (bees in the genus Hylaeus) are important pollinators of native Hawaiian plants. Hylaeus anthracinus, known simply as the anthricinan bee, is one of 63 described Hylaeus bee species endemic to the Hawaiian Islands—the only bees native to the islands. H. anthracinus is a rare yellow-faced bee, which is listed as an endangered species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Conser­vation efforts for H. anthracinus may help address known threats to the species, including habitat loss or degradation, nonnative predators, invasive plants, fire, and habitat destruction from ungulates in lowland and higher elevation habitats. The purpose of this technical note is to provide guidance to NRCS and partner agency staff when protecting, designing, and installing habitat for H. anthracinus. This technical note focuses on the biology and habitat needs of this species and offers specific conservation recommendations as well as a survey protocol to monitor populations.

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