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Wings 39(1): Spring 2016 (Butterfly Conservation)

Essays on Invertebrate Conservation

The Xerces Society began as a butterfly conservation group, and, although the organization's work has expanded greatly, Lepidoptera remain at the heart of our efforts. This issue of Wings looks at our past, current, and future work on conserving butterflies.

The Xerces Society’s Roots in Butterfly Conservation, by Scott Hoffman Black

North American Butterflies: Are Once-Common Species in Trouble?, by Scott Hoffman Black

Gardening with Butterflies, by Matthew Shepherd

Conserving the Crystal Skipper, North Carolina’s Newest Butterfly, by Allison Leidner

Conservation Spotlight: Butterfly Conservation in Britain

Invertebrate Notes: A roundup of new books and recent research

Staff Profile: Meet Sarina Jepsen

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