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Press & Media

Xerces Society staff are respected as reliable sources of science-based advice at the forefront of invertebrate protection, and can provide information and perspective on all aspects of invertebrate conservation.

Our team includes nationally recognized experts on a range of issues, including insect declines, protecting endangered species, climate change impacts, pollinator conservation, pesticide risk, habitat creation, and wildlife gardening. We work to understand and protect insects and other invertebrates in all landscapes, from wildlands to backyards.

In each of the last three years, Xerces staff were quoted or our work was mentioned in thousands of media articles that reached over one billion people worldwide.

We’re happy to give media interviews. Please direct all inquiries to Deborah Seiler, (503) 232-6639 or [email protected]

For general information about our work, please see our blog, publications, and other information on our website. Follow us on social media for the latest updates, as well.

Recent Press Releases

It is no secret that pollinators like bees and butterflies have been facing numerous threats, including habitat loss and pesticide use. Yet for more than one million participants in the nationwide Bee City USA program have taken the pollinators’ plight as an opportunity to get to work.
A new study released in Biological Conservation found harmful levels of pesticides in milkweed plants purchased from retail nurseries across the United States. Pesticides were found in all plants tested, raising alarms for monarch conservation efforts that rely on planting milkweed sourced from commercial nurseries. Fortunately, the limited residues on some plants indicated that it’s possible to grow milkweed in a pollinator-friendly manner.
On Thursday, July 7, 2022, a consortium of agricultural and pesticide interests filed a petition for review with the California Supreme Court seeking to appeal a recent, unanimous ruling by California’s Third District Court of Appeal that determined that four species of imperiled native bumble bees are eligible for protection under the California Endangered Species Act. California cannot maintain its exceptional biodiversity or sustain its agricultural system without protecting its native pollinators. Protecting at-risk insect species in California will help ensure that insects can continue to provide these vital ecosystem services.
Bee City USA and Bee Campus USA reached a new milestone this June, surpassing more than 300 communities across the nation dedicated to improving their neighborhoods for pollinators. The program’s primary focus on creating habitat will support native bees like bumble bees, sweat bees, and mason bees, while also benefiting honey bees, monarch butterflies, hummingbirds, and a host of other wildlife.
The Xerces Society and Center for Biological Diversity sued the federal Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service today over its program allowing insecticide spraying on millions of acres in 17 western states. Federal regulators have failed to properly assess the broad environmental impacts of the spraying, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act, according to the conservation groups.